Blue Skies Equity


Blue Skies Equity

You work hard for your money… Let your money work hard for YOU!

What is a syndication

Real estate syndication brings the power of group buying to the world of real estate investing. A group of individual investors can invest in bigger, more valuable properties than each person could afford alone. Syndication is an effective way for a group of investors to pool their financial resources and make smart investments. Multifamily commercial properties like apartment complexes and condo communities are some of the most profitable projects for real estate syndicates.

Why Real Estate Investments

Cash Flow

One of the biggest benefits of real estate investing is cash flow. You receive passive income on a monthly/quarterly basis without having to trade your time for money.


You get to leverage our team’s operational and market expertise so you can easily diversify into more markets and asset classes without having to manage them yourself.


The beauty of cash flowing real estate is that the rental income covers the debt and expenses, meaning the tenants are helping you build equity.


Because we are value add investors in multiple strategic markets, you can benefit from forced appreciation which helps you maximize your returns.

Tax Benefits

Reduce, defer, or eliminate taxes on the profits from real estate investments. You want to keep more of what you make.

Investment Calculator

The information displayed on this page is strictly for informational purposes and does not guarantee future results. Select the investment options below to see sample investment returns.

5 Years

Hold Period


Preferred Return


Projected Avg. Annualized Return (AAR)

Our Investment Strategy

Conservative approach

Before investing, we stress-test properties for vacancy and financing changes to make sure they can weather uncertain economic times.


Target properties that deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns via the deployment of proven value-add strategies. These efforts will work to improve property operations and cash flow.


Each opportunity will require a specific business plan to increase revenue and/or decrease expenses through a combination of rehab projects and operational efficiencies. The scope and length of rehab will vary by property and is dictated by the market conditions.


The hold period will vary from 3 to 10+ years depending upon the asset’s performance, market conditions and the financing options available. Feasibility studies of capital event potential will be reviewed annually by the Principals.

Passive Real Estate Investing
Passive Real Estate Investing

For Busy Professionals and Entrepreneurs Like YOU!

Successful professionals understand the power of investing in real estate. The problem is, traditional real estate investing is very time-consuming.

Our goal at Blue Skies Equity is to help you build long-term wealth and passive income through real estate. We offer truly passive, tax-efficient, real estate investing opportunities that generate consistent passive income for investors like you.


You can join our free Investor Community HERE. Investors in our Investor Community are the first to receive notifications of new deals.

Most of our deals are underwritten to a 5 year hold, but this can vary based on the business plan and market conditions.

It can vary depending on the deal, but typically $50K to $100K.

Yes! We accept self directed IRA and Solo 401(k) funds.  If you don’t know if your account qualifies, please reach out to us to help.

Investors receive profits from the cashflow of the property typically on a quarterly basis. If you don’t know if your account qualifies, please reach out to us for help.

Prospective investors receive an Offering Memorandum which provides all the details on the project (location, asset type, business plan) and the projected returns. If interested in the specific project, the investor completes the investment documents and contribute capital. Distributions and investment updates are delivered to investors on a monthly or quarterly basis.

You can setup a call or send us a message from the contact page on this website.

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