A Few Words About

About Us

Keith Keller

Blue Skies Equity

Blue Skies Equity is a real estate investment firm. We buy, improve and operate multi-family, self storage and mixed-use projects in the Midwest and southeast U.S.

We help investors earn passive income and grow their wealth. To talk about how owning real estate could help you achieve your goals, contact us today.


  • Property Types: Mainly multifamily, self-storage and mixed-use

  • Locations: primarily the southeastern US

  • Strategy: value add and new construction


  • Cash on cash returns of 7%+ or greater

  • 16% to 20% IRR

  • 2.0x Equity Multiple

Mike Strodtman, Founder and President

Are you a busy professional interested in Real Estate?

Benefits of Investing in Multifamily Real Estate

Do you wish to have strong passive investments without excessive time?

Population Growth

Population Growth The current US population is roughly 328 million people with a net gain of one person approximately every 18 seconds.

Occupancy Rates

The national apartment occupancy rate is roughly 95%. This is despite the delivery of 283,000 newly constructed apartments in 2018.

Increase In Renters

The current home ownership rate is roughly 64% which is the lowest rate since it was 63% in 1965. Furthermore, the homeownership rate for those under 35 was just 36.5% in 2018.

Tax Benefits

Investment real estate offers a number of different tax-related benefits including, but not limited to 1031 tax deferred exchanges, depreciation, and various other deductions. All of which may help lower an investor’s income tax liability.